James Made It
James plays differently than a typical kid his age. He does some pretend play now, but it is mostly scene or object-oriented rather than role-playing. He will follow some simple role-playing scenarios when lead, but would rather talk about or talk to a character rather than talking for it. On the other hand, he does use his imagination for construction and visual arts. He likes to make things. Here are a couple of quick things he's done recently, spontaneously without prompting by anyone:
One day James told me that we needed to go upstairs to room 104. When I saw what he had done, James said that he "made a hotel house."

Last year at a previous day care, James put "Men" and "Women" signs on the restrooms (they were previously unlabeled and unisex). The other kids didn't like it when he insisted that they follow his signs.
This is one of a half dozen or so configurations James has come up with for playing his favorite video games, "Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition" and "Street Racing Syndicate". Since he insists on stopping at all the red lights, he hasn't yet won many street races.

In an earlier, more elaborate setup, he fabricated a trunk using an ice chest. But the dog was missing. When I asked James where the dog was, he said, "in the trunk."
One day James told me that we needed to go upstairs to room 104. When I saw what he had done, James said that he "made a hotel house."

Last year at a previous day care, James put "Men" and "Women" signs on the restrooms (they were previously unlabeled and unisex). The other kids didn't like it when he insisted that they follow his signs.
This is one of a half dozen or so configurations James has come up with for playing his favorite video games, "Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition" and "Street Racing Syndicate". Since he insists on stopping at all the red lights, he hasn't yet won many street races.

In an earlier, more elaborate setup, he fabricated a trunk using an ice chest. But the dog was missing. When I asked James where the dog was, he said, "in the trunk."
i didn't see a way to contact you outside of commenting on a post, so this is kinda unrelated to your post; sorry! my son is also autistic, is 3, and i learned of a doctor's protocol about a yr ago that is absolutely incredible. he has made huge strides in less than a year and i expect recovery for him. this dr was interviewed for discover mag this yr (april); cover story was re: recent autism findings. she is dr. amy yasko and her website is www.holisticheal.com, parents' forum is www.ch3nutrigenomics.com. her protocol info is available free online because when her waiting list grew beyond 5 yrs she sought another way to help kids faster. also, dr. martha herbert was interviewed in that article and another very recent interview with her is at http://www.alternative-therapies.com/at/web_pdfs/herbert_long.pdf. another fantastic and recent article by a great autism dr is at http://www.alternative-therapies.com/at/web_pdfs/hyman.pdf. i have a web page with a bunch of info and some great articles/papers/info: www.savvysmallfry.com/Autism.html, and another one at www.autismsavvy.squarespace.com. i'm in grapevine tx, between dallas and ft. worth. there is a local dr who is leading patients thru dr. amy's protocol: dr. charles hamel in arlington, tx. he and his staff are AMAZING. i hope this info blesses you and james!!! my heart goes out to you re: your divorce; my husband left zane and i a few mos ago so i'm divorcing now. -sommer
sorry, her website is www.holistichealth.com. holisticheal.com is also her site, but it's for her supps.
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