Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I Hate School Buses

James loves school buses. I frickin' hate them.

Today was the first day of school. At the end of the day, the bus was over half an hour late reaching James's day care today, and the special instructions I gave them was lost. On the Friday and Monday before school started I called several times, left voice mail at both numbers, and one one occasion managed to talked to one person who "wrote down" my instructions who said he would pass it on to the dispatcher. Every semester they mess up the paperwork, and it gets worse. I ended up calling campus police and they couldn't get to the dispatchers either. I had a long talk with the bus driver when she finally pulled up. They really messed up her paperwork, and none of my messages made it to her. James's estimated 15-minute trip took over 1-1/2 hours. His shirt was wet because he was chewing and sucking on it--that's something he does when he is nervous or bored. Poor kid. (I canceled his therapy sessions for the day because he had enough.) There was another kid still left on the bus that needed to be on the other side of town. Worse yet, the bus driver couldn't get through to the dispatcher the entire time. AISD transportation has serious management problems.

Anyway, I'll sort them out.


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